Thursday, October 18, 2012

First Month

I can't believe that a month has already passed!
I'm not really sure whether it goes fast or feels like a year already.
Now that I'm in a completely different continent, where everyday is filled with hearing and learning a crazy language.. Wait, I meant learning three crazy languages, I feel like saying, "Wow! Fuck me right?"

I have a lot to say for this very first month. Even though things went very well, it wasn't perfect.
Sometimes life is all about the sucky moments, isn't it?

Anyway, I'm going to list down some of my culture shocks.
1. Different handwriting. Back in the early days, we, Indonesian people learn to write in the style of 'Tulisan Sambung'. I don't really know how to say it in English. I find it really hard to read this kind of handwriting since I never actually use it.
2. Bread... and CHEESE! Its a really good thing that I enjoy bread more than rice. For most Indonesians, the food difference is like the hardest challenge. Well, as long as I get to eat cheese.. I don't mind!
3. Acquaintance VS Friend. Yang satu ini gabisa dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menghindari adanya kesalah pahaman. Seseorang bertanya ke gue bahwa orang Asia kalo baru kenal orang bisa langsung nyebut mereka 'My Friend', yang ternyata gue baru sadar bahwa itu fakta benar banget. But I see nothing strange in it. Setelah dipikir-pikir, namanya baru kenalan otomatis jadi teman dong? Gue rasa emang kita gapunya kata seperti acquaintance. Kalo kenal ya udah sebut aja temen. Toh temen ga selamanya harus saling deket kan?
4. Dingin tapi hangat. Satu hal yang gue gangerti, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari orang disini bisa terlihat dingin sama lo even ketika mereka kenal lo, tapi kalo di dunia maya... like1000x
5. Physical education. To all Indonesian students, if you think your PE class is tiring, then you will not survive the PE here. God, I almost forgot how good I was back in Indonesia. The fastest, the most active in PE class. Here, I'm like the lamest. The cold weather makes it even harder for me to run outdoor, and the people are damn sporty! Even when they say they're not! I guess that answered why we are not that good in sport compared to the European.

This is not much but I'll add some more later when something comes in mind!

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